Since its creation in the 1990s, Sociomapping has undergone a number of development phases and branches. It the course of time, the following two offshoots of the method became prominent:


a) First, a branch focusing on development of human resources and the related services, which continues to concentrate on the provision and performance of psychological and similar tests, surveys, research and marketing analyses, provision of services in the area of human resources, training, management, coaching and teambuilding (hereinafter also the “Sociology Branch”); and


b) Second, a branch focusing on financial, commercial, business, industrial, strategic and investment applications of the method, analysis of complex economic, industrial, strategic, investment, financial, logistics, customer-supplier and similar systems, as well as on business and investment strategies and consulting services (hereinafter also the “Business Branch”). This method is called SOMECS – Sociomap-based Models of Economic Systems.

Exclusivity for the Czech Republic

QED Systems is currently the only Czech commercial entity in the Czech Republic that is authorised to offer the use of the results of the SOMECS method and SOMECS analyses to its business partners for their internal commercial purposes. This includes primarily analyses, financial and organisational streamlining of their structure, processes, work-flow, funding and an endless list of other aspects associated with any of their business activities. The company provides the above services under the terms and conditions stipulated by the relevant contract with Formuliance B.V. and based on consent granted for each individual case.

Introduction of the Sociomapping method

Sociomapping is a comprehensive mathematical-statistical-analytical method for analyses of complex systems which enables, amongst other things, detection of stable and repetitive structural patterns and monitoring of their dynamics. Sociomapping based on the fuzzy theory and the theory of recognition of patterns is suitable particularly for analysis of non-linear dynamic systems.

The primary idea underlying the application of sociomapping was visualisation of relationships among persons in small social groups, monitoring of the dynamics of development of these relationships, representation of a large quantity of statistical data and efforts towards interactive statistical testing directly in the graphical environment of the sociomaps.

The outputs of the sociomapping method (called sociomaps) resemble a three-dimensional map where the individual elements are distributed in positions and heights which are accurately calculated on the basis of characteristics and data which are both specified and also ascertained and calculated using the special algorithms of the method. In the printed version, the sociomap shows only a limited amount of data because data are primarily analysed and interpreted in the virtual – computer – environment using specialised software and tools. The software enables the user to view relevant data related to the processed data matrices, fuzzy sets, statistical tests and a number of other elements and relations.

In very simple terms, the sociomap is a graphical representation of the complex relationships among the analysed elements. This graphical representation serves not only for a lucid depiction of statistical data, which is more comprehensible for a layperson, but is also a platform on which statistical testing can be carried out interactively.

There are two basic kinds of sociomaps, direct and indirect. Direct sociomaps depict mutual relationships among the tested objects. Indirect sociomaps depict the evaluation assigned by the subjects of the statistical survey to elements from the set of mapped objects and the ensuing mutual links, relationships and conditions.

Thus, sociomapping is a set of individual methods which, through its graphical output – the sociomap – enables rapid orientation in the data. As such, the sociomap, or its computer-based interface, can also be used as an interlink (interface) for entering and viewing statistical tests in a manner which is comprehensible to laypersons. Thanks to this, sociomapping can serve as an umbrella for various statistical procedures in the absence of advanced knowledge of mathematical statistics. Sociomapping is aimed at eliminating data redundancies and concentration on statistically significant findings. The important fact is that we should be able to focus, in a plethora of data, on permanent aspects and simultaneously capture systematic changes in time. Understanding what the sociomap depicts, what is represented by a particular position of an element, the mutual relationships among such elements and the conclusions to be made (i.e. interpretation of the sociomap) is impossible without proper training and sociomaps can be interpreted only by persons who are authorised and trained for this purpose.

Sociomapping is useful particularly in the area of consultancy for organisations, strategic decision-making and analysis of social systems and scientific research.

The Sociomapping method is subject to patent as well as copyright and trademark protection, not only in the territory of the Czech Republic, and its utilisation, application, interpretation and presentation or publishing or other provision of the inputs, data being processed or final outputs or other information regarding the principles applied in this method are subject to a strict mode of protection, both licence-based and contractual.